
<strong> Agatha</strong>  047
Agatha 047
Agatha 047
<strong> Agatha</strong>  048
Agatha 048
Agatha 048
<strong> Agatha</strong>  572
Agatha 572
Agatha 572
<strong> Agatha</strong>  046-DP
Agatha 046-DP
Agatha 046-DP
<strong> Agatha</strong>  046-DR
Agatha 046-DR
Agatha 046-DR
<strong> Agatha</strong>  383
Agatha 383
Agatha 383
<strong> Agatha </strong> 384
Agatha 384
Agatha 384
<strong> Agatha </strong> 572-B
Agatha 572-B
Agatha 572-B

Un omaggio al confort e all’eleganza, in una poltroncina dalle forme generose  e avvolgenti. Linee di richiamo classico si esprimono attraverso materiali e tecniche moderne, bene evidenti nell’accoppiamento bicolore sedile-schienale, per restituire in una soluzione contemporanea la raffinatezza senza tempo di una seduta adatta ad ambienti esclusivi.


Agatha, Nassau

Hotel Flow and Conference Center, Inarcs, Ungheria
Project by: Bim Design KFT
Partner: Zconcept
Hotel Flow and Conference Center, Inarcs, Ungheria
Project by: Bim Design KFT
Partner: Zconcept
Hotel Flow and Conference Center, Inarcs, Ungheria
Project by: Bim Design KFT
Partner: Zconcept
Hotel Flow and Conference Center, Inarcs, Ungheria
Project by: Bim Design KFT
Partner: Zconcept
Hotel Flow and Conference Center, Inarcs, Ungheria
Project by: Bim Design KFT
Partner: Zconcept
Hotel Flow and Conference Center, Inarcs, Ungheria
Project by: Bim Design KFT
Partner: Zconcept


Kaffemakeriet, Jessheim, Norway
Kaffemakeriet, Jessheim, Norway
Kaffemakeriet, Jessheim, Norway
Kaffemakeriet, Jessheim, Norway
Kaffemakeriet, Jessheim, Norway
Kaffemakeriet, Jessheim, Norway
Kaffemakeriet, Jessheim, Norway
Kaffemakeriet, Jessheim, Norway


Ufficio privato, Pesaro, Italia
Ufficio privato, Pesaro, Italia

Agatha, Kicca, Space

Coffeeshop Company, Erevan, Armenia
Coffeeshop Company, Erevan, Armenia
Coffeeshop Company, Erevan, Armenia
Coffeeshop Company, Erevan, Armenia
Coffeeshop Company, Erevan, Armenia
Coffeeshop Company, Erevan, Armenia
Coffeeshop Company, Erevan, Armenia

Agatha, Myra

Hotel Du Soleil, Rimini, Italia
Hotel Du Soleil, Rimini, Italia
Hotel Du Soleil, Rimini, Italia
Hotel Du Soleil, Rimini, Italia
Hotel Du Soleil, Rimini, Italia
Hotel Du Soleil, Rimini, Italia
Hotel Du Soleil, Rimini, Italia
Hotel Du Soleil, Rimini, Italia


Sala riunioni, Ufficio privato - Lussemburgo
Sala riunioni, Ufficio privato - Lussemburgo
Sala riunioni, Ufficio privato - Lussemburgo
Sala riunioni, Ufficio privato - Lussemburgo


Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France
Le Tube, Cannes France